What Is an Example of Commensalism in the Arctic
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Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits from the presence of another organism, while the other organism is neither helped nor harmed. In the Arctic, where harsh conditions and limited resources make survival challenging, commensalistic relationships are common among various animal species.
One example of commensalism in the Arctic involves the relationship between the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) and the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). The Arctic fox is a small mammal that is well-adapted to the cold temperatures and harsh conditions of the Arctic tundra. It relies on scavenging for food, as well as hunting small mammals and birds, to survive. The polar bear, on the other hand, is a large predator that primarily feeds on seals and other marine mammals.
During the summer months, when food sources are scarce and hunting is difficult for the Arctic fox, it has been observed following polar bears as they hunt for seals on the sea ice. As the polar bear catches a seal and consumes its prey, the Arctic fox will scavenge on the leftovers of the kill. This allows the Arctic fox to obtain much-needed nutrients and energy without expending the effort of hunting for its own food.
In this relationship, the Arctic fox benefits from the polar bear’s hunting efforts, while the polar bear is neither helped nor harmed by the presence of the Arctic fox. The Arctic fox is able to capitalize on the polar bear’s success in hunting, providing a source of food for itself during periods of scarcity. This example of commensalism demonstrates how organisms in the Arctic have evolved to rely on each other to survive and thrive in a harsh environment.
Another example of commensalism in the Arctic involves the relationship between the planktonic copepods and the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus). Copepods are tiny crustaceans that are a vital part of the Arctic marine ecosystem, serving as a primary food source for many larger animals, including bowhead whales. Bowhead whales are massive marine mammals that feed on copepods and other small organisms by filter-feeding.
As bowhead whales swim through the Arctic waters, they create disturbances in the water that cause copepods to be brought to the surface. This makes it easier for other marine animals, such as seabirds and fish, to feed on the copepods that are pushed to the surface by the movement of the whales. In this way, the bowhead whale indirectly benefits the copepods by providing them with increased access to the surface, where they are more easily accessible to other predators.
While the bowhead whale is not directly affected by the presence of copepods, the copepods benefit from the whale’s movement through the water. This example of commensalism highlights the interconnectedness of the Arctic marine ecosystem and the ways in which organisms rely on each other for survival.
In addition to these examples, commensalism can be observed in many other relationships in the Arctic. For example, the relationship between the arctic moss (Calliergon giganteum) and the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is a classic example of commensalism in the tundra biome. Reindeer graze on the Arctic moss, which benefits from the reindeer’s presence by receiving nutrients from their droppings. In return, the reindeer are not affected by the moss and are not harmed in any way.
Overall, commensalism plays a crucial role in the Arctic ecosystem and helps to maintain the delicate balance of life in this harsh environment. By examining the various examples of commensalism in the Arctic, we can gain a better understanding of the intricate relationships between different organisms and the ways in which they have evolved to coexist and thrive in this unique environment.
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